Friday, August 19, 2011

My first skirt

Here's the picture of my first skirt attempt using MADE's Circle Skirt tutorial.  I actually really like it because it is super comfy and airy for the summer.  If I was going to redo this I would dye the elastic waist band first but I wasn't ready for that level of commitment when I made it!

And yes that is our DIY ping pong table underneath the skirt.  It's now collapsed under our bed so I can't take a picture to show you but it was a really easy thing to make and lots of fun this summer!

Back to the skirt:  After I made it I used the left over material to make some napkins for me and Greg.  We're trying to use less paper products so a lot of my fabric scraps are turned into napkins (one of the projects you learn in Stitch by Stitch).  Hopefully it'll save us some money over time.  And it's always fun to grab a napkin out of the basket and see what material it was made out of (wow was that a dorky thought!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My wife shared this blog address with me. Although I'm not personally into sewing, I am impressed with the concept and think it will be successful and helpful for many. I've noticed an avid interest in topics such as yours among younger adult woman. Good luck!